Branches: Maunder Families Around the World


Matches 1 to 7 of 7

 #   Description   Starting Individual   Individuals   Families 
1 Desc of Annette Constance Maunder Annette Constance MAUNDER 113 38 
2 Desc of Herbert J Maunder Herbert James MAUNDER 413 131 
3 Descendants of Colin Morris Maunder Colin Morris MAUNDER 83 30 
4 Descendants of Henry Maunder (I23266) Henry MAUNDER 38 11 
5 Descendants of John Ernest Moore John Ernest (Ernie) MOORE 674 220 
6 Edward John Maunder & Alice B Hunt Edward John MAUNDER 4 2 
7 My Maunder family line Nicholas MAUNDER 7,798 2,547